Monday, May 23, 2005

Assorted Fascinating Star Wars Stuff

An interesting 2000 interview with original Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz.

The message board thread loaded with information (or allegations) about George Lucas's one-time plans for a nine-episode saga.

I don't know how reliable the source is, but below is a scene that was apparently cut from Revenge of the Sith:


YODA: Failed to stop the Sith Lord, I have. Still much to learn, there is...

QUI-GON (V.O.): Patience. You will have time. I did not. When I became one with the Force I made a great discovery. With my training, you will be able to merge with the Force at will. Your physical self will fade away, but you will still retain your consciousness. You will become more powerful than any Sith.

YODA: Eternal consciousness.

QUI-GON (V.O.): The ability to defy oblivion can be achieved, but only for oneself. It was accomplished by a Shaman of the Whills. It is a state acquired through compassion, not greed.

YODA: become one with the Force, and influence still have... A power greater than all, it is.

QUI-GON (V.O.): You will learn to let go of everything. No attachment, no thought of self. No physical self.

YODA: A great Jedi Master, you have become, Qui-Gon Jinn. Your apprentice I gratefully become.

(YODA thinks about this for a minute, then BAIL ORGANA enters the room and breaks his meditation.)

BAIL ORGANA: Excuse me, Master Yoda. Obi-Wan Kenobi has made contact.


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