Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Tinley Family Garden: Your Source for Fresh Produce

Homegrown onions were a prominent ingrediant in both lunch and dinner today at the Tinley household. So far this season, we have harvested 15 (albeit, small) onions, all of which have been devoured and digested by the family. At the moment, no fewer than 7 tomatoes have popped up in the garden on the side yard. Earlier today I planted red and green peppers, fed them some veggie food (I still find it funny that I give food to my food), and mulched (if you don't mulch, the weeds just take over).

Not impressed? You probably shouldn't be, unless you know my history with plants. I am a terrible gardener, and I am even worse with house plants. I don't neglect the vegetation in my care; I just struggle with the amount of water to use, where to place the plants, when and how much to prune, and so on. My poor herbology skills have resulted in several plants being scorched, drowned, and frozen to death. Many others have survived without producing flowers and fruit. Given my history, picking 15 onions from my garden is a big deal.


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