Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fear of Evolution Reaches Ridiculous Levels

Yesterday, Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum (which I only take seriously because several people give lots of money to it) issued a statement attacking the theory of evolution. The statement included the following "facts":

Some evolutionists who claim to be Christians — but also evolutionists who label themselves "theistic evolutionists" — argue that God could have used the evolutionary process hypothesized by Darwin to create the universe. But evolutionism reduces man to an animal. Theism, conversely presents man as made in the image of God. If man is an animal, but man is also made in the image of God, what does that make God?

A woman, perhaps? (Curiously, "woman" is never mentioned in the statement.) Anyway . . .

Evolutionists claim that their battle against creation-science is primarily a "scientific" issue, not a constitutional question. But our treasured U. S. Constitution is written by persons and for persons. If man is an animal, the Constitution was written by animals and for animals. This preposterous conclusion destroys the Constitution.

Actually, the logic behind the Eagle Forum's statement explains why I am a vegetarian: If man is an animal, and man eats animals, then animals are eating animals, and man is therefore a cannibal. If you don't want to be a cannibal, be a vegetarian.


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