Monday, February 20, 2006

The Future

Next week or later this week, I will be merging Scrambies and Josh So, whether you type in or, you will end up at the same place. You will not need to update any links, and I will not be deleting any content. I just think it is silly for me to maintain two homepages that regularly point to each other; and I don't update Josh enough. This blog (possibly with a new look) will be the focal point of the merged website; a column on the left or right will include links to all the Josh pages as well as the vanity-inspired Josh-related news items that currently populate my personal site.

My question for you is: Should I call the new site Josh Scrambies? Scrambies ( Something totally different? Should I try to pretend that this site is anything more than a forum for me to express my opinions, post pictures of my kids and cats, allow visitors to download mediocre music I've recorded, and bore you with my various interests? Do you want me to masquerade as someone who provides up-to-the-minute news and analysis, or are you more interested in Meyer's latest finger painting?

Let me know. I value your opinion, in as much as it influences my own.


Blogger T.V. Fritz said...

I never fully understood why you call your blog Scrambies, anyway. You need something sexy that will capture people's attention like the vixen you are.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go with and drop the Scrambies. Sounds more professional and promotes you as an individual. Anyway, you have your own domain; why not use it to its fullest potential?

Of course, the drawback is that if you say something inflammatory or controversial in this medium, it will haunt you all your be careful if your name is attached to it.

Good luck on the migration, however you choose to do it. This stuff can be a technical nightmare at times.

10:12 AM  

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