Monday, February 06, 2006

When Lying Becomes a Profession

An article I was editing today at work introduced me to Alibi Network, a company that helps clients create elaborate schemes to deceive family members and employers. The company's specialty is concealing extramarital affairs, but Alibi Network is also equipped to help clients ditch work or fabricate résumés.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I'm offended that such a company exists. I would feel better if Alibi were simply helping people stick it to the Man; but this organization helps people lie to and cheat on their spouses. Here is an example of what Alibi Network does:

Ann is our client and she has an extramarital affair. It is a short-term discreet encounter and Ann does not want to break her marriage and disappoint her children over it. Obviously, Ann needs an alibi to justify her absence over weekends. Therefore, she contacts Alibi Network each time she wishes to spend time with her partner. Ann accesses our website and chooses an alibi that would best suit her situation (e.g. seminars, conferences, trade shows, etc.). After we receive all the information (e.g. date of the alibi, type, delivery method) we analyze several possible alibis.

This is the type of thing that Christian family groups need to get worked up about.


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