Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Biology Teachers Beware

Creationist teens who are forced to attend heathen schools that teach the theory of evolution are fighting back, forcing their teachers at every turn to defend natural selection and the belief that the earth is celebrating its 4.6 billionth birthday. From the Los Angeles Times:

Monday morning, Room 207: First day of a unit on the origins of life. Veteran biology teacher Al Frisby of Liberty, Mo., switches on the overhead projector and braces himself.As his students rummage for their notebooks, Frisby introduces his central theme: Every creature on Earth has been shaped by random mutation and natural selection - in a word, by evolution.

The challenges begin at once.

"Isn't it true that mutations only make an animal weaker?" sophomore Chris Willett demands. "'Cause I was watching one time on CNN and they mutated monkeys to see if they could get one to become human and they couldn't."

Frisby tries to explain that evolution takes millions of years, but Willett isn't listening. "I feel a tail growing!" he calls to his friends, drawing laughter.

Nice. That's a burn.

Some of these kids are trained using resources from Answers in Genesis, one of the leading advocates of young-earth creationism. When you have time, visit the Answers in Genesis website. These guys have a thorough, scientific-sounding answer to just about any question. You'll be impressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you moron. Mutations can be beneficial, and occur at a frequent rate. I'm not going to waste anymore time on the mentally feeble execpt to say we are all laughing our well-funded asses off at you. NIH gave my lab 50 million last year dude and theres not a thing ya'll can do about it.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Tman said...

Scientific answers?


What particular brand of science is this?

Where is the falsifiable data? Where are the numbers? Where are the fossils supporting the hypotheses?

If you think the bible is a source of scientific explanations, then you are truly incapable of understanding what exactly science is.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You got it right when you stated that they are scientific-sounding answers because they are not scientific at all. There is no reality to any of their claims. All they do is run with a circular logic that walks all over itself. These people give us Christians a bad image.

9:38 PM  

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