Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Senator's Warped Priorities

My senator, Dr. Bill Frist, appeared on FOX News Sunday this morning and was asked to defend his obsessions with banning flag burning and gay marriage, both of which are subjects of Constitutional amendments that will be debated on the days when our senators aren't on vacation. Frist argued that his emphasis on these issues has nothing to do with pandering to the conservative base (a base growing frustrated with the President and Senate Republicans) and is all about what's important to the "heart and soul of the American people." My heart and soul, for one, is more concerned about the rising costs of healthcare and energy and the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. Recent polls suggest that my heart and soul aren't alone. (And, frankly, Constitutional amendments have historically been used to guarantee or grant rights, not to deny them. The one exception was Prohibition, and that didn't work so well.)

Since his election as Senate Majority Leader three years ago, Frist has acted entirely in the interests of the Republican Party and his own presidential ambitions, not in the interests of the American people, let alone the people of Tennessee, let alone their hearts and souls. This November, when Tennesseans elect Frist's replacement, let's be careful that we choose a representative, not a politician.

Think Progress has more, including the transcript.


Blogger Kathy T. said...

Saw this on NiT. The senator didn't reply to my email when I requested that he move forawrd with impeachment proceedings against George W. and Dick. Go figure.

3:49 PM  

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