Thursday, February 08, 2007

Kenyan Bishop Has Bone to Pick With Turkana Boy

From The East African Standard:

Kenya's world-class collection of hominid bones - primates belonging to a family of which the modern human being is the only species still in existence - is at the centre of a silent but intense war being waged by a section of the evangelical churches. . . .

Bishop Boniface Adoyo of Nairobi Pentecostal Church (NPC), Christ is the Answer Ministries, is championing the 'hide-the-fossils' campaign, which has left scientists and historians perplexed.

Later this year the National Museum of Kenya will undergo a major renovation and will include the "Origin of Man" gallery, which is the source of the controversy. The gallery will display "Turkana Boy," a nearly complete homo erectus skeleton. Adoyo and some other religious leaders fear that the exhibit promotes Darwinian evolution and is an affront to a biblical view of creation. What isn't clear is whether Apoyo and company are protesting how the museum is displaying Turkana Boy or that the museum is displaying Turkana Boy. The existence of the skeleton is not in doubt. An effective protest, in my view, must explain how Turkana Boy fits into the bishop's understanding of biblical creationism. (According to the AP, "Bishop Adoyo believes the world was created 12,000 years ago, with man appearing 6,000 years later. He says each biblical day was equivalent to 1,000 Earth years.")

The East African Standard piece thankfully includes what other Christian voices have to say about the exhibit:

[Dr Wilson Chiko] says churches should busy themselves in evangelising to the youth and children, and pursuing social justice, instead of worrying about hominids.

"We need serious evangelisation and expansion of Christianity to new frontiers. Fighting skeletons will not help much. What are we going to replace the hominids with to demonstrate the biblical values?" he asks. . . .

Catholic Archbishop Ndingi Mwana'a Nzeki says history should be respected. "I have not been informed of the impending campaign, but history should be respected. We cannot run away from it," Ndingi says.


Blogger walk said...

As a Christian and as a Kenyan I feel that the whole evolution vs. creationism debate is a complete waste of time .For hundred of years Kenyans have worshipped and believed in the one true God and studied Evolution. Some of the people involved in the evolution discoveries in Kenya, infact a majority of them are bible believing Christians. Evolution in Kenya is taught in schools from as early as elementary school .I even remember trips to the national museum to see "Lucy”. Christian religious education-CRE is also a compulsory subject in elementary school just like science .Meaning that Evolution is also taught as a compulsory subject.

As a Kenyan I have never had an issue with the Evolution theory! It’s just a theory .My only worry today is the importation of "western values" to Kenya that have nothing to do with Christianity .Faith in God is exactly that! Faith, it can not be hammered into someone .It is a gift from God. A good Christian church should not have an issue with evolution theory. If sound teaching of Christianity is taught the people will know were the truth lies .You can never hide the truth .Church leaders should stop being influenced by American evangelicals who want to Americanize Christianity.(Creation vs. Evolution is an American debate not a Christian debate) Faith can not be gained by locking up scientific theories in back rooms. If your faith in God is so fragile that it can not stand the challenge of an old theory then maybe you need to be reading the bible more and fighting the theory less. it is activities that call for artifacts to be stored /hidden that give Evolutionist a voice .Christian have nothing to fear .We have lived with evolution’s 'evidence' but Kenyans have always known that God created the world including Adam.

The bible is very clear that to the world our faith is foolishness .But none the less it is the truth .We can not and should not hide fossils. Our faith can withstand and indeed it has withstood any challenge thrown against it .Let Creationists and Evolutionist fight it out in America. We know what is true .God created everything .We don’t need to argue about it

11:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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Trước sự kích thích của Thánh sứ, hạ thể Lưu Phong cũng dần dần dựng ngược lên, mắt nhìn chằm chằm vào khuôn mặt Thánh sứ, phảng phất như nhìn Ân Tố Tố, thân thể nóng bỏng quyến rũ. Mặt đẹp như ngọc, hai mắt trong veo hiện rõ nét tươi cười, ánh mắt vừa dịu dàng ôn nhu, vừa lẳng lơ quyến rũ…

“Đẹp quá!”

Thánh sứ nghe vậy, trong mắt ánh lên sự mừng rỡ, cũng đồng dạng như Lưu Phong, nhìn chằm chằm vào khuôn mặt của hắn.

Hai mắt nhìn nhau, trong con ngươi đồng thời xuất hiện niềm khao khát đam mê bất tận phảng phất như xuân tuyền chảy xuống đáy lòng hai người.

“Thánh sứ tỷ tỷ!”

Lưu Phong ánh mắt cháy bỏng, hai tay bắt đầu chủ động xoa bóp hai vú của nàng.

Thánh sứ tim đập loạn, một sự đê mê hưng phấn từ đôi tay nam nhân trước mặt truyền đến, khuôn mặt xinh đẹp bỗng chốc đỏ bừng….

“Ha ha, chỉ cần ngươi quỳ dưới gấu quần của ta thì Bạch Vũ sẽ thuộc về Thánh giáo ta.” Thánh sứ nhẹ nhàng khép mi, rên nhẹ lên một tiếng, một âm thanh dụ hoặc vang lên, mùi hương thơm từ người nàng lại một lần nữa chui vào mũi hắn.

Thánh sứ mắt thấy mị công của mình kết hợp với Thiên Hương Đậu Khấu của Thánh nữ quả thật hiệu quả. Mỉm cười cắn lỗ tai hắn kích thích.

Lưu Phong nhất thời tâm thần bay bổng, tận hưởng niềm khoan khoái tỏa đi khắp cơ thể.
“Công tử, chàng yêu thiếp đi”.Thánh sứ ưỡn ngực, nắm chặt hai tay Lưu Phong áp vào dày vò bộ ngực vươn cao của nàng.

6:41 AM  

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