Monday, April 16, 2007

ESPN's Tacky Coverage of the Virginia Tech Incident

I listened to the tragedy in Blacksburg, Virginia unfold today on ESPN Radio. I feel that ESPN generally does an excellent job of reporting sensitive news stories, but today the Worldwide Leader made the mistake of trying too hard to find a sports angle to the story. SportsCenter updates appended the story with comments such as "No word yet on whether any of the victims were members of the football team" and "We're still awaiting a statement from football coach Frank Beamer and basketball coach Seth Greenberg."

ESPN, this story is significant enough that you can report on it even if there is no connection to sports. And in the hours immediately following the incident, you really shouldn't worry about how this massacre will affect the Hokies on the football field. In the days and weeks to come, you will learn whether any of the victims were athletes and whether any spring sports are cancelled. When this news surfaces, go ahead and mention it on SportsCenter. But don't force it. Sports can wait.


Blogger gavin richardson said...

when all you know is sports maybe that is all you are able to talk about...

7:14 AM  

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