Monday, June 06, 2005

Apathy or Laziness?

I confess that non-recyclable containers excite me. I feel a sense of relief when I empty the cottage cheese or sour cream and find that the tub is a type-5 plastic, or when the box containing my frozen lunch tears white instead of brown. The number 5 on the bottom of the sour cream tells me that I will not have to thoroughly rinse the tub and add it to the overflowing bin of plastic containers in my garage. And if the cardboard tears white, I won't have to break it down and slide it in among the dozens of folded boxes that sit in the bin next to the plastics. Moreover, fewer recyclable containers means less time spent sorting the containers into trash bags and fewer trips to the drop-off site (which, admittedly, is less than a mile from my house).

Trust me, I believe in recycling, and I recycle just about anything I can. But how do I explain the joy I feel when cardboard or plastic won't recycle? Maybe I really don't care; maybe the effort that I do put into recylcing is just a front, or a self-devised reason to feel good about myself. Maybe (and this is the more likely explanation) I'm just lazy. Maybe I just don't want to take the time and effort to break down a cardboard box and bring it home from work in my lunch box or to take time removing the curd that clings to the sides of the cottage cheese containers. Am I lazy, or do I subconsciously not care? What do you think about non-recyclable containers? (Respond through this website's rarely used "comments" function.)


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