Monday, March 05, 2007

Would English-Only Driver's License Test Reduce Illegal Immigration or Just Increase Illegal Driving?

The Tennessee Senate is debating a bill requiring driver's license tests to be taken only in English. Bill sponsor Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro) says that this bill will "set the tone" for 31 other immigration-related bills Senate Republicans hope to bring to the floor.

But what effect will this legislation have on immigration, particularly illegal immigration? People who are desperate enough to move to another country without going through legal channels are probably desperate enough to drive without a license. Many do already. If anything, this bill will hurt legal residents for whom English is not a primary tongue. No matter how much an immigrant wants to learn the language of his or her adopted home, learning languages (especially well enough to pass a driving test) takes time. And in a state whose cities have limited public transportation, a driver's license may be necessary for legally getting to one's English classes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is AMERICA !!!! The test should be in ENGLISH ONLY !!!! The test should not be in spanish only ENGLISH. If you can't speak ENGLISH then learn it... Like everyone else has in the past.... I refuse to speak spanish or learn to read it..... If your ILLEGAL then your need to go back to your Country and come to the USA the proper way.....LEGAL

2:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree but if they are legally a citizen, the option should be there to take the test in another language.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then how are they going to read the signs if they cant speak and read English?

This is just asking for accidents.

8:16 PM  

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