Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Sure You're Wondering Why Malachi Doesn't Have a Website Yet

Meyer and Resha Kate both received websites as first birthday presents. I used my limited HTML skills to program Meyer's from scratch. Resha Kate's was just a Blogger blog with a customized template and links to a couple HTML pages (which haven't been updated in eons). In both cases a domain name—www.meyertinley.com and www.reshakate.com—was part of the birthday website package.

Malachi is nearly 14-months old, and he still doesn't have a website. He doesn't even have a domain name. I have a plan for giving my youngest child a web presence; I just haven't gotten around to executing it. (I've also done a poor job updating his siblings' sites.) If you would like to see Malachi on the Internet sooner rather than later, here's what you can do: Offer to babysit all three Tinley children next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights (for free). If you do that, I promise that I will have a new website finished by the time you leave the Tinley residence on Tuesday.


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