Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Irony

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council applauds Anglican bishops in Africa who do not accept aid from "liberal" American congregations that support openly homosexual Anglican bishop Gene Robinson. According to the conservative Washington Times, this protest is keeping African congregations from meeting the needs of those they serve (people dying from disease, hunger, and so forth). The irony is that the next article on Perkins's website (immediately following the one praising the African bishops) is titled, "Every Human Life Is Valuable." So, every human life is valuable, but not more valuable than condemning gay people. Nice. As it were, Perkins also once paid Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,500 for his mailing list.

(From America Blog.)

See also:
"More on Justice Sunday"
"Catching Up With the Beth Stroud Case"

I hate that the anti-gay movement with Christianity has distracted the church from more pressing matters. Even if one feels that the Bible clearly forbids homosexual relationships as we know them today (and I don't believe that it does), one must recognize that same-sex relations is a very minor biblical issue compared to poverty, healing, liberation, redemption, and even whether to eat food that has been sacrificed to idols. It breaks my heart that homophobia is keeping people from receiving life-saving or life-sustaining aid from Christians who are making an effort to follow Jesus' teachings.


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