Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Think Someone Owes Me a New Car

Yesterday, recent high school graduates from around Middle Tennessee who had maintained perfect attendance throughout their senior year gathered at the Sommet Center to see if they'd be the recipient of one of five 2007 Chevy Cobalts.

Really? Is perfect attendance for one lousy year reason to give a kid a $16,000 automobile (even if it is a Chevy Cobalt)?

Me? I had perfect attendance from fifth grade through twelfth grade. I went through all of middle school and all of high school without ever missing a single day. No one gave me a new car. In fact, when I graduated in 1995, I was driving a two-tone gray 1986 Ford Escort whose engine would blow up three months later. But, after my parents picked me up off the side of the interstate and AAA towed my dead car halfway across Indianapolis, I could go home and admire the lovely plaque hanging in my room commemorating eight years of perfect attendance.


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